Manage Website - Points of Interest

Points of interest (POI) showcase your community in the context of the neighborhood and surrounding amenities. Start by adding POI categories to group similar interest points. Site visitors can filter by interest category and see selected categories and POI plotted on the embedded map. Next, add location names and addresses. Each

Manage Website Points of Interest

Manage Website Points of Interest Categories


  • points of interest
    These locations should showcase your community's proximity to convenient, entertaining, or relaxing spaces. Begin typing the address, then select from the pre-filled locations in the dropdown. This location will be automatically plotted on an embedded Neighborhood map.

  • manage point of interest categories
    Create general interest categories to highlight the location of your community. Name categories with a few Points of Interest in mind, then associate a representative icon.
    ex: _Coffee Shops, Grocery, Entertainment, Restaurants & Bars, Green Spaces_